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While there are certainly benefits to smart meters, they do not seem to significantly change behavior. Some companies are trying to change that by using the data collected by smart meters to advise consumers on how to reduce energy waste.

Usage: Research

Participant Video: How to use a Smart Meter

Usage: Video

"I keep the display on top of the boiler... I hardly ever think about it"
- Victoria (Consumer)

Victoria installed a smart meter at the recommendation of her energy supplier, but "it has not changed [her] behavior or how [she] thinks about energy." She expressed some guilt about not being very "energy conscious" despite having a smart meter. Only if energy was really expensive, would she have "to think about [her energy consumption] again." For now, her smart meter is out of sight, out of mind.

Usage: Text
Usage: Image

Survey on Smarter Meter usage by Populus

Usage: Text

"Turn advice into action"
- Alex (Technologist)

There are technology companies and other organizations out there that are working to change the behavior of energy consumers. Using the data from smart meters and other home profile information these organizations offer "personalized energy advice" tailored to the motivations of the energy consumer. Interestingly, the algorithm they are developing is supposed to be able to adapt "the style and tone" of the advice depending on users insinuating that HOW advice is given impacts its effect.

Usage: Text

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