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Why do people install smart meters?

The two commonly discussed benefits of smart meter are reduced energy costs and environmental impact. Governmental organizations and energy suppliers communicate these messages to encourage residents to install smart meters; however, not all have bought in.

Adoption: Research
Adoption: Image

information from Smart Energy GB

Adoption: Text
Adoption: Testimonials

"[My supplier] suggested [installing a smart meter] and I saw nothing wrong with it... they said you can keep in touch with your energy usage moment by moment, I thought I wouldn't do it moment by moment, but now and then might be useful."

Victoria (Consumer)


"I'm making a (sarcastic) face for the recorder... you know when I put the heating on, I know I'm using carbon...I'm not sure a smart meter would make any difference" - June (Consumer)

In every conversation I had with various stakeholders involved in the UK smart meter rollout, cost and environmental benefits were viewed as the main motivators for installing a smart meter or reducing energy consumption. These assumptions align well with the motivations for choosing and energy provider [see Digital Infrastructure page]; however note everyone believes in this is the case.


In a discussion with two members of the local environmental activist group following a group meeting, I brought up the smart meter rollout. While both of them had heard about smart meters, neither had installed a smart meter and their resistance was definitive. They both expressed doubt that there was "evidence" that smart meters actually changed behavior and noted how it wouldn't change their own behavior: 

"I don't need a smart meter to tell me I'm using more energy when I turn the heat on" - Paul (Consumer).


These two are highly environmentally conscious people (e.g. choosing not to fly due to carbon emissions), but were not convinced about the environmental benefits of smart meters. Furthermore, their reaction to my subtle insinuation that smart meters could have environmental benefits was slightly defensive. Unintentionally inferring they might not be doing something that was considered environmentally conscious seemed to attack their identity as an activist.

Adoption: About Me

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